As appointed ITB China Partner Hotel you will have numerous benefits that guarantee a maximum presence of your hotels at ITB China. We have gathered all the important information on the benefit types we have included in the package. The Onsite Benefits relate to the venue and the show floor, the Online Benefits relate to all our media like website and social media channels where we not only promote ITB China but also our partners. Additionally we maintain a good relationship with the press in order to raise a lot of Press Awareness for the event and our partner.
Attend with your CEO or one of your senior executives the the ribbon cutting which marks the official opening of the exhibition on the first day as guest of honor. Furthermore you will receive two VIP passes, as part of the exclusive Partner Hotel Package, that allow the access to all official VIP events of ITB China.
ITB China Conference is the leading think-tank of China’s travel industry and a knowledge transmitter that is highly visited by ITB China attendees. You will get a 25 minutes speaking slot in the Conference which gives you possibility to present your company and the newest trends and objectives.
Partner Hotel Booth will be receive premier positioning on the show floor close within the Hotel Area, and will be included in the inaugural opening VIP round tour on the opening day.
The Partner Hotel Branding includes the sponsor’s logo display on all printed official collaterals, catalogue and backdrops on-onsite. When the visitor enters the building he is in the entrance area where he finds the big sponsor wall and the conference program overview that include the sponsor’s logo prominently.
Partner Airline has a full page advertising in event catalogue. Promotional material included in the official delegate bags distributed to all attendees.
Sponsor logo and Sponsor Profile
Sponsor-logo and Sponsor-mention
Sponsor-logo and Sponsor-mention
ITB China holds a strong partnership with media representatives.
We will announce the ITB China Partner Hotel with a standalone press release to our global press database as soon as the agreement is signed.
Another news release published through the ITB China official wechat account, content provided by the Partner Hotel.
One newsletter distributed to the whole ITB China database announcing and introducing sponsor as Partner Hotel.