Hosted Buyer Program

If you are an overseas buyer engaged in outbound travel to China, please check the inbound hosted buyer package as below.



To apply for a hosted buyer, you must be the person in charge of procurement procedures for Leisure Travel, MICE Travel, Corporate Travel or Travel Technology services.


Your China inbound resource procurement record, your attending record from past ITB events or other influential travel trade shows are all important reference for your qualification.


The approved hosted buyer will be required to pre-schedule a certain number of meetings with exhibitors via ITB China matchmaking system and fully attend the meetings on time during the show. Following this, you will be entitled to enjoy the services listed below. If you opt for trade buyer, you can also pre-schedule appointments with exhibitors but not obliged to.








*ITB China provides the reimbursements of travel expense ONLY to buyers who fully attend their pre-scheduled meetings with the exhibitors during the ITB China 2025.

*Confirmation and participation as a buyer is subjected to the approval of ITB China Organizer only. Hosted buyer quota is limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Content of your Buyer Package Hybrid Buyer(Attend offline & online meetings) Online Buyer(Only attend online meetings) Trade Buyer(No appointment)
Attend face-to-face meetings with exhibitors ON TIME which is pre-scheduled by ITB China matchmaking system during the ITB China 2021 physical exhibition fairground. (Nov. 24-26) 8 X X
Attend online meetings with exhibitors ON TIME which is pre-scheduled by ITB China matchmaking system at virtual platform. (Nov. 8-Dec. 31) 7 7 X
ITB China 2021 physical exhibition – Free lunch coupons on all 3 days
ITB China 2021 physical exhibition – Admission to show onsite
ITB China 2021 physical exhibition – Admission to conference and networking events
ITB China 2021 physical exhibition – Admission to Buyer’s Lounge
ITB China 2021 virtual platform – Free online communication with global destination suppliers and access to live streaming of the conference. (Nov. 8-Dec. 31)
Complimentary personal membership in the ITB China Buyers Circle (will enjoy the benefit to attend ITB China Buyers Circle activities)

Please note that all the buyers need to be approved by ITB China before the event.

Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve prepared the most frequent asked questions for you regarding the ITB China hosted buyer program, click here to check the Q&A. If you have any additional questions, please contact

Hosted Buyer Duties and Rights Fully Hosted Buyer Partially Hosted Buyer Trade Buyer
Check-in all three days at the show × ×
Pre-schedule meetings with exhibitors via ITB China matchmaking system and fully attend the meetings on time during ITB China 2025. The number of meeing is: 21 15 0
Full receiption service at ITB China(Incl. before,during and after the show)
Reimbursable economy-class round-trip flights to Shanghai from the city that your company or your office is based .Buyers based in Asia can reimburse up to 750 US dollars.Buyers based outside Asia can reimburse up to 1500 US dollars × ×
Airport transfer to buyer hotels on show check-in day (May 26th) × ×
Shuttle bus services between buyer hotels and exhibition hall during show days ×
Accommodation in 4/5 star hotel from 26-30 May, 2025 (up to 4 nights)in Shanghai. Buyers based in Asia will be entitled to 3 nights,buyers based outside Asia will be entitled to 4 nights ×
Admission to Exhibition Hall on all 3 days of the show
Free lunch coupons on all 3 days of the show
Admission to ITB China Conference
Admission to networking function and events
Admission to Buyers Lounge
Have the chance to attend ITB China Buyer Circle online/offline activities ×
Registration Fee (non-refundable) 200 US Dollars 100 US Dollars  
